Selling your home? - changed

Let me help you do that.

Thinking about selling your home?

Sell your home smarter with more data and insight with the free home value report.

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Get the most accurate estimate, powered by the same technology used by lenders.



See what other homes are being sold for in and around your neighborhood.


I may be a new real estate agent but I’m not new to real estate. With a foundation built in a family business from an early age, the better part of my life has been and continues to be spent in the business of maintaining, remodeling, managing, and investing in real estate. So if you are looking to buy or sell your property, please contact me if there is anything that I can do to help.

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I’ve done this two hundred and twenty nine times.

You know it. I know it… The housing market is always changing. Your home’s value could be fluctuating based on any number of things, from its curb appeal to the value of a neighboring home. That’s why I’m good to know. I’m always on top of neighborhood trends and have access to unique tools that let me price and market your home accurately.

Take the Next Steps

Shot of an attractive young businesswoman working at her office desk

Pricing Your Home

Set a fair price based on comparable homes, the local market and more.


Inspections & Disclosures

From finding the right people to interpreting the results, I'm here to help.


Preparing Your Home For Sale

You’d be surprised. Even the smallest things can seal the deal.